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5 Toning Up Tips for Women

best way to tone up

Before we get started, it's important to understand what the word "toning" really means. Toning is a combination of two processes, namely building muscle, and reducing body fat. So in essence we are striving to achieve two separate goals, which will help us to reach our ultimate goal of a fit, toned body!

So, with summer just around the corner there's not time to waste - here are my top 5 tips for getting TONED!


This one's simple. If you're unhappy with the amount of fat on your frame the easiest solution is to reduce your calorie intake so that your body is forced to tap into fat stores for energy. Choose a realistic calorie intake, at least 1,400 calories, or you risk losing muscle mass which is the opposite of what we want. If you lose fat AND muscle, you'll be lighter on the scales but you'll remain flabby, or "skinny-fat" as some people refer to it...NOT a good look!

To reduce your calories, try cutting the amount of carbohydrates you consume throughout the day. Replace some of the bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, sugars, and fruit (yes, fruit!) you consume with green vegetables and healthy protein sources - which brings us to tip number 2!


As mentioned, if you lose fat and muscle simultaneously, you risk becoming "skinny fat". Your objective when losing weight should be to lose fat and maintain/build muscle mass so that you can achieve a toned look. Ideally your diet will consist of mostly lean proteins (chicken, fish, lean red meat, some fat free dairy), healthy fats (nuts, healthy oils), vegetables (green are best), and small amounts of starchy carbohydrates (oats, wholewheat breads, fruits, sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa).

Eating in this way in addition to controlling calories will ensure that you support the maintenance of muscle tissue (necessary for looking toned) whilst simultaneously burning body fat. WIN!


The myth that weight training will make women bulky and masculine is one that has been perpetuated for far too long. Thankfully, mainstream media seems to have finally realised this is not the case.

Weight training, performed correctly, provides amazing benefits, such as increased fitness, lowered blood pressure, fat burning, anti-aging properties, and much more, too many to name! But the most important benefit of weight training, or "resistance training", is the strength and muscle mass gains it provides. Building muscle mass is essential to creating a toned body; whether you're trying to get a more defined stomach, get rid of flabby arms, or just want a rounder bum, weight training should be top of your agenda! Check out for some great training tips to get you started!


Your idea of "toned" might be alot different to the next person's - you may just want moderate muscle definition but for someone else "toned" might mean visible 6-pack abs. The more toned you want to look, the more time and effort you'll have to put into achieving that goal. A healthy level of body fat, and muscle tone, is relatively easy to achieve once you've started implementing healthy habits into your every-day routine. You may need to forgo some social time to work out, and consciously strive to adhere to a healthy nutrition plan. But it shouldn't significantly disrupt your life. However, achieving the level of leanness and tone required to attain a six-pack, well, that requires a lot more time and effort - you may have to give up or significantly reduce the time you allocate to other activities, and you might struggle to participate in social gatherings that involve food. So be realistic about your goals. Find a balance that allows you to live the healthiest lifestyle that you can still enjoy. A sustainable lifestyle will keep you looking and feeling fitter and healthier than an overly restrictive one that makes you unhappy.


'All good things take time'. And never has this been truer than in the case of changing your body. The human body likes balance, and it will always strive to find balance. If you push your body too far one way, it will bounce back the other way at any given opportunity. Rapid weight gain after drastic weight loss is a good example of this. Achieving sustainable results takes time. So educate yourself on correct nutrition and exercise protocols, make small changes, and most importantly, give it time!

Use these 5 tips to get you started in the right direction, and if you require any help you can always contact me via the website. You'll also find lots of information about exercise and nutrition over on the Muscle Eire Youtube Channel!

This is Shane McDonald for Muscle Eire.


As always, if you require any help regarding training and nutrition please don’t hesitate to contact me!

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