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The Harder I Work, the Luckier I Get

Do you believe in luck? Most people do. From a young age you're exposed to it's existence. That one kid who always seems to win the school raffle. That friend who never gets the blame for anything, despite being the main instigator. Sheer blind luck, the only explanation!

Then, as you grow up, your belief in "luck" is reinforced. You do badly on a test, and watch as a classmate (who seems less studious than you) passes by the skin of their teeth. You don't make the school football team, your friend gets picked every time. Lucky f**ker!

By the time you reach adulthood, you've come to accept the concept of "luck" wholeheartedly. Sometimes it plays in your favour, but more often, not. All around you are people riding a wave of luck. Sure, talent and work play their part, but lady luck seems to be a lot generous to some over others. It can seem unfair at times, but deep down it actually provides a certain level of comfort. Comfort in knowing that a good amount of what happens to you is actually out of your hands.

"I was never very lucky with money". "Look at that car! Some people have all the luck!" "That woman has a great body for her age, I wish I was that lucky!"

The list goes on. "Luck", or lack of it, is attributed to a number of seemingly spontaneous successes and failures every day. You take solace in knowing that your current circumstances - regarding job satisfaction, relationships, achieving goals - whether good, bad or in between, are a culmination of a series of events that you are only partly responsible for.

It's a gradual progression, the way we look at luck (terrible pun), but what we often fail to perceive, whether knowingly or not, is the relationship between hard work and (apparent) luck.

Is luck really at play as often as we lead ourselves to believe?

Sure, sheer blind luck has a role in all our lives. It's the sunny day in November when you're bringing your groceries from the car to the house; it's the traffic light that turns green just as you approach; the money in an old jacket you forgot you had - that's luck.

Luck isn't your job, it's not the amount of money you make, or how fulfilled you feel with your life. Nor is it the reason for the successes or failings of other people.

Luck isn't the great decider, hard work is.

'The harder I work, the luckier I get'. Samuel Goldwyn coined the quote (Google is so handy!), and its message is simple - work harder if you want to succeed. Work harder than you did last year, harder than the person you're up against, harder than you're expected to. Pursue your passions with vigor, dedicate yourself to achieving the life you want to live, and don't stop until you get there.

Don't go through life with your head in the clouds. Anything you want is there for the taking if you're willing to work for it. Too many people become victims of circumstance. They reason that certain aspirations or goals are beyond their reach, and run from challenges, dodging the elephant in the room - their inability to WORK HARD!

If you want an extraordinary result, you have to give an extraordinary effort. If you want to be among the elite, or even to just be GOOD at something, anything, you need to work at it. I don't mean putting in your 9-5, clocking out and sitting on the sofa watching TV. No, you have to be willing to go the extra mile. Do what others won't, to become what others can't.

Don't wish for luck, create it yourself.

This is Shane McDonald for Muscle Eire


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