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How I Lost 70lbs! My Top 10 Tips

For as long as I can remember I’ve had a passion for health and fitness. Actually, that’s a lie! I clearly remember a time when health and fitness were way (way, way) down my list of priorities. During my childhood and teenage years I was overweight, not grossly overweight, but very “chubby” as a child and very “hefty” as a teenager. You get my drift!

Anyway, by the time I was 17 I had reached my heaviest weight – a solid sloppy 230lbs. At a height of 5’11” I hadn’t yet reached the upper echelons of obesity, but if I had have continued gaining weight at the rate I had been, I no doubt would have become morbidly obese in the not-so-distant future.

Fast-track nearly 10 years on, and I’m above 200lbs again, but this time it’s mostly muscle mass that occupies my frame. But before I ever became interested in building muscle and strength, I plain and simply wanted to slim down. I wanted rid of my flabby belly, chubby cheeks, tree-trunk thighs…and so on. So, as with most things I become interested in (obsessed with), I researched the best ways to go about reaching my goal. And after a week or two, armed with all the information I could digest from magazines and internet articles, I embarked on my weight loss journey.

But there was a problem…

The steps I had to follow were pretty simple, in theory. I mean it wasn’t exactly rocket science. I had to monitor my calorie intake, exercise smartly, and the results would come. But after a month, I was mentally and physically drained. The weight was coming off, but at what price? I was constantly hungry, moody, and tracking my food intake was starting to get stress me out to the point where I couldn’t really enjoy a meal anymore.

This must be why 90% of people fail at weight loss attempts, or lose the weight only to regain it straight away! Something had to give.

I had to rethink my whole approach. After a year I had lost 70lbs. It wasn’t easy, and I can’t say I found the perfect approach during this initial weight loss. But since then I’ve gained and lost weight numerous times – not in the name of yo-yo dieting, but for natural bodybuilding, one of my greatest passions.

The above introduction is to let my readers know that I did in fact start out very overweight, and I too struggled with the same issues you do. Cravings, hunger pangs, lack of motivation, lack of knowledge. With that being said, I’ve since come to learn A LOT about dieting strategies, and I’m going to share some of my best ones with you right now!

In no particular order, here are my 10 tips for weight loss!

1. Start with one small change. For me, a lot of the calories that I consumed came from junk food, so I cut out junk food, or the majority of it at least. I allowed myself to eat as much as i wanted of typical healthy foods. By cutting out extra calories from junk food i was able to lose about 20 lbs, with just one small change. The next change i made was to start exercising regularly. I lost another 10 lbs. Making small changes to your diet and lifestyle over time can make for massive results!

2. Switch out bad snacks for good snacks. Instead of chocolate, crisps, and other junk food throughout the day, include protein bars, fruit, nuts, or low calorie smoothies. You still get to snack and fill your stomach, but you’re making healthier choices!

3. Cook for yourself. Instead of eating out 3 or 4 times a week, cut back to once a week, then start getting creative in the kitchen. A quick google search will give you an endless list of healthy, easy to make recipes, as well as a healthy take on old favourites. You really can make healthy versions of the foods you crave that are almost as good as the real thing!

4. Double up on veggies if you’re unsatisfied after eating a snack or meal. This one really helped me on my weight loss journey. As someone with a huge appetite I need to feel full after a meal. Green vegetables are a great way to fill your stomach without taking in excess calories.

5. Don’t keep foods that tempt you. This can be tricky if you have kids or just live with other people, but by not having junk food readily available, you’ll be much less likely eat it. This is a technique i’ve used for years. By keeping only healthy food in the house, I literally have no other choice than to eat healthy foods, simple!

6. Eat more often. By eating more often you’re going to minimise the risk of getting that feeling of being starving. For me personally, when I’m really really hungry, i get the worst cravings for junk food. Even something as simple as having a snack like some peanuts or almonds can stop those cravings setting in.

7. Don’t use exercise as an excuse to eat badly. A common misconception is that if you’re exercising, it’s OK to take a lax approach to your diet. This isn’t true, its very easy to undo the benefits of exercise with bad dietary habits. When it comes to weight loss think of it like this. Exercise is equal to 20% of your results, diet is equal to 80% of your results!

8. Keep it simple. I take a minimalist approach to nutrition: My diet consists of lean protein (chicken breast, eggs, turkey, white fish), good complex carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal), healthy fats (coconut oil, almonds, avocados), and leafy green veggies. You can’t go too far wrong if you’re eating minimally processed foods, that consist of one ingredient.

9. Schedule a weekly cheat meal. I allow myself one cheat meal a week where I can disregard healthy eating and just enjoy a meal out or a takeaway without worrying about how healthy it is. But I’ve actually found that over time I don’t crave these kind of foods as much as I used to, because I’ve gotten better at creating healthy versions of high calorie foods! Use your cheat meal as an opportunity to eat out with friends or family.

10. Drink LOADS of water. You’ve probably heard this one before, but it really is a great tool for losing weight. A pint before meals, and a small glass before you even think of reaching for a snack. Hunger is often just thirst in disguise (and even if it’s not, filling your stomach with water might just tide you over until dinner)!

So there you have it, my top 10 tips for losing weight, safely and effectively!

best weight loss tips

This is Shane McDonald for Muscle Eire

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